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Under the Hood: HP Z820 Workstation

在这里 we take a look under the hood of 惠普的新 flagship workstation, HP Z820, and examine both its design and performance advantages as a top-of-the-line system for video editing, 图形, 影响, 以及其他后期制作任务.


An interesting statistic came across my desk the other day. While there's a continuing decline in PC sales, it turns out that the workstation market has never been better. You can see the market breakdown in 图1(下面).

图1. PC market share, via Jon Peddie Research.

Whether it's for video production, 其他媒体制作, 油气勘探, anything with heavy 3D and 图形 processing, there are two choices: You can either have the trash can, or you can get something that looks like a real computer. At Braintrust Digital, we use both. But for the best performance under the hood in one neat and tidy package, we think you should take a look at the HP Z Series workstation line.

You'll find a number of reviews that we've done on HP Z Series workstations on 流媒体 Producer (see related articles links at the bottom of this page), but today we're going to look at the Z820, 惠普产品线的老大. 


HP uses a design that was created in collaboration with BMW 设计 Works. The tower-based Z820 workstation is designed to flow copious amounts of air through the chassis, but to do so at a sound level that's more akin to a consumer tower design. It does so by using custom-designed airflow pathways coupled with large fans (下面的图2). The bigger the fan, the better the airflow and lower revolutions per minute. When it comes to workstation fans, size matters.

图2. The HP Z820's large fans improve airflow.

You'll find several other essential design elements when you pop the hood of the Z820. 设计 is also key to functionality when it comes to troubleshooting or upgrading the unit (下面的图3). The HP Z820 can be disassembled without needing tools, including a screwdriver. We've done this in a number of our reviews on the HP Z Workstation line. Anything can be replaced with the flip of a switch or two.

图3. 引擎盖下的惠普Z820. Click the image to see it at full size.

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