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教程:多镜头编辑草谷EDIUS Pro 7

以下是EDIUS Pro 7的MultiCam模式, 探索如何简化多达16个摄像机的编辑, and leaves plenty of room for adjustments and tweaks after you make your initial cuts.


EDIUS的一大特点是它的多摄像机模式. 这很简单, and yet very powerful tool to use to synchronize footage from different cameras when you've shot an event with more than one camera. 


为了说明它是如何工作的, 我将从我的两个镜头开始, Cam 1和Cam 1, 如图所示 图1(下面).

图1. 导入多摄像机镜头. 单击图像以查看其全尺寸.

剪辑好后,我会把它们放到时间轴上. 第一个, 我将把我的第一台摄像机(Cam 1)放在视频轨道1上, 然后我将把第二台摄像机(Cam 2)放在视频轨道2上, 你可以看到 图2(下面),相关的音轨就在正下方.

图2. Cam 1 and Cam 2 on 1V and 2V, respectively, with the first channel in their audio tracks expanded. 单击图像以查看其全尺寸.

Next, I'll open up the first channel of each audio track, 如图所示 图2 (above). 在传统的时间轴上, 两个摄像头在时间轴上的录像, 我真的没有任何方法做多摄像机. 我需要进入Multicam模式. To do so, I go up to the menu at the top of the UI and choose Mode > 多镜头拍摄模式 (下面的图3).

图3. 选择Multicam模式. 你 还可以使用键盘快捷键F8吗.

But first, I want to make sure EDIUS knows how many cameras I have in my multicam edit. The default is 2 + Master, which is exactly what I want, but 你可以看到 图4(下面), you can have up to 16 cameras simultaneously to be able to choose from in EDIUS's 多镜头拍摄模式.

图4. 选择相机的数量.

现在我已经选择了相机的数量, I can choose Mode > 多镜头拍摄模式 and press F8 to enter 多镜头拍摄模式. 你 can see in 图5 (below) that Multicam is indicated in the upper-left corner of the timeline, 我在时间轴上映射了1号和2号摄像机, and above I have Cam 1 and Cam 2 side by side with the master above them.

图5. 多镜头拍摄模式. 单击图像以查看其全尺寸.

在图4(上面)中, 当我在剪辑中选择相机数量的时候, you'll note that my choices included some options with a Master and some without. The reason for this is that the footage currently selected and shown in the Preview window also serves as a master. So when I pick each one of my sources for my edit, I can see it in the preview window. 在这种情况下, 我真的不需要大师, but do do 2 cameras without a master would really just leave a blank spot where the master clip is, 所以这很可能是格拉斯谷留下它的原因.


我的日程表上有个小问题. 如果你听这一页上面视频的2:02点, 你会很清楚地听到我的剪辑没有同步. So I need to get these cameras synced before I start doing my multicam edit because one camera is not going to be in sync with the main audio that I'll be using. 为了解决这个问题,我需要查看每个相机的波形. 我可以从峰的位置看出它没有正确排列. 在时间轴区域的左上角, 就在轨道标头上方, 我看到上面写着“1秒”(下面的图6). 但是如果我按下反向箭头, 我可以一直到1帧," which allows me to make very precise trims in the timeline to bring the waveforms into alignment. 图7(在图6下面), shows about 1 second of the waveforms with the timeline zoomed to 1 frame.

图6. 调整时间轴缩放,从默认的1秒开始.

图7. 波形与时间轴放大到1帧. (见图5与1秒变焦的比较.)点击图片查看完整尺寸.

As you can see in 图7, zooming in to 1 frame makes it very clear where the audio is. 如果你的音频不同步, such as if one camera was started a minute later than another one or something of that nature, 你可以寻找一些非常明显的东西, 比如音乐开始, 一闪而过, 或者婴儿的哭声, and find it on each one of them and then go to the waveform to take a look. 一旦你在波形中找到你想要匹配的地方, all you have to do it grab the waveform in 3A and drag it until it's fairly lined up with the peak you've identified in 1A, and then continue to do the same for additional sources if you have them. 听听你的声音, and if you're still hearing an echo (which means the two audio tracks are only slightly out of sync, 但仍然足够重要), go back to the very beginning of the waveform and move 3B again until you get a better match. As you can hear in our example clip in the video above at the 3:58 mark, 1V和2V的剪辑现在是同步的. 你可以看到波形排列在一起 图8(下面).

图8. 波形对齐,剪辑同步,多摄像机编辑准备滚动. 单击图像以查看其全尺寸.

迈克·唐尼 demonstrates how to post-produce your multicam content quickly and efficiently using Grass Valley EDIUS Pro 8 on Wirecast Gear.
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草谷即将推出的6个亮点.5 upgrade to the EDIUS NLE (coming in June) for pro event and corporate video producers include improved a native stabilization utility, Alpha通道支持, 10位效果和过滤器, and several enhancements to the Layouter including a drop shadow function and new options for selecting a scaler.
One of the great things about Grass Valley EDIUS 7 is its ability to take footage in multiple codecs and frame rates, 把它们放在同一时间线上, 并且实时编辑和播放它们. In this tutorial, we'll explore how to leverage this feature in your projects.