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This video tutorial demonstrates how to restore muffled sections of spoken audio using the 多波段压缩机 in Adobe Premiere Pro CC or Adobe Audition.

One of the problems I have when producing screen cams is that my voice fades at the end of the day, 让我制作的教程变得不那么清晰. 幸运的是, this is a problem I can easily fix in Adobe Audition or Premiere Pro CC by applying audio compression.

图1(下面) 显示了我正在使用的原始音频文件. 这些关卡看起来相当不错, 但在5-6秒左右,你可以看到水平很低, and that produces a muffled effect that makes the audio a little bit hard to understand, 你可以在上面的视频教程的0分35秒听到这个.

图1. 注意5-6秒左右波形的模糊区域. 单击图像以查看其全尺寸.

对于Adobe Premiere Pro CC用户:应用多波段压缩器效果

Now one of the nice additions in Adobe Premiere Pro CC is the ability to apply effects that formerly were available only in Audition within the Premiere Pro interface. 在效果面板中, 单击音频效果旁边的披露三角形, 然后向下滚动,选择多波段压缩机. 你可以在效果控制面板中看到 图2(下面),我已经应用了多波段压缩效果的剪辑.

图2. 效果控制面板中的多波段压缩机效果.

Click the fx radio button next to the 多波段压缩机 effect in the Effect Controls panel to toggle it on and off. You can hear what my clip sounds like after compression at the 1:04 mark in the video above (and then hear it again without compression immediately thereafter).

So you can hear that there’s a big difference, but you don’t see any change in the waveform (下面的图3).

图3. The waveform remains the same, without or without the 多波段压缩机 applied. 单击图像以查看其全尺寸.

The three audio problem areas I'll tackle in this entry-level tutorial are as follows: removing transient noises like pops and clicks, 清理无处不在的背景噪音, 发出声音微弱的声音.
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