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Here are some tips to help you quickly create videos that are tailored for Instagram.

欢迎来到这个关于优化Instagram视频内容的教程. 本教程将介绍一些编辑, 出口, 以及分发Instagram视频的技巧, 使用Adobe Premiere Pro. Feel free to check out some other articles across 流媒体 Producer and OnlineVideo.该网站在Instagram视频上分享内容和创意技巧.

So, why should you consider adding Instagram video to your bag of tricks? 5人以上.2017年第一季度有200万人观看了品牌制作的Instagram视频, 根据L2的一份报告, 公司. 根据SproutSocial的说法.据估计,美国网民中有71%是网民.S. 企业使用Instagram. It’s is a highly visual platform and a great destination to showcase those eye-catching videos. Chances are that your customers or companies may already be using Instagram or thinking about it at some point in the future.

Here are some tips to help you quickly create videos that are tailored for Instagram. Keep in mind that Instagram allows a one-minute length for video uploads. However, we strongly suggest using a 15- or a 30-second time length at maximum.


从第一步开始, you need to create a sequence that matches the dimensions of an Instagram video. They use a square ratio, so you'll want to make a custom sequence with settings of 640x640. You can do this by selecting one of the available sequence presets and changing the values in the Settings tab (下面的图1). 再往下看这个窗口, you can enable maximum bit depth and maximum render quality to enhance the compression of your video. 一旦你检查了设置, you can save this as a preset for future videos to streamline your workflow.

图1. 在Adobe Premiere Pro中选择正方形视频的序列设置.


接下来,您很可能会使用1080甚至4K镜头. 因为我们正在编辑更小的帧设置, we're going to have to scale down or reposition our video to fit within the 1:1 Instagram ratio. 当你把视频剪辑放到序列上, Premiere Pro实际上会提示您更改序列设置. But we want to keep the existing settings to properly work within the Instagram delivery specs.

正如你所看到的,视频比我们的设置大得多. A quick tip that I use with 1080 footage is to scale down to a value of 60 in the video's Effect Controls (下面的图2). That gives you a close representation of the original 1080 framing that was captured. You can fine-tune the framing by adjusting the X and Y values in the position area. I'd suggest following the same rules of composition you use other places.

图2. 缩放框架


The next thing I like to do in my workflow is add some contrast and saturation to the footage. Now keep in mind that Instagram does give you the option to add filters on their platform, but adding a little bit into your post software will give you more control. So I'll adjust the video by going into the Color tab of Premiere Pro and using the Lumetri Color toggles. 这些设置会造成很多伤害, so I'm only going to add some contrast and saturation to enhance the video.

图3. 在Lumetri Color面板中添加对比度和饱和度


Next, we can export the video to get it out to a file type that's suitable for Instagram. In the toollbar, choose File > export > Media. 从上面开始,我们用H.264格式,并保留匹配源选项为预设(下面的图4). Under the Video tab, make sure the video frame size is set to our Sequence Settings of 640x640. 我将选中旁边的复选框,以最大深度渲染. We'll do VBR encoding, and finally, enable the use Maximum Render Quality option. Using an encoding parameter similar to this will keep the file size down and suitable for Instagram. 一旦准备好了,我们就输出视频.

图4. 选择导出设置

The final step is to get this video onto your mobile device or your customer's. 有很多方法可以做到这一点,但这里有一个我喜欢的简单方法. 如果你有一个快速的电子邮件系统, then you can email the video as an attachment and have your client download the video to their mobile device. 然后他们可以用这个设备直接在Instagram上发帖.

The other option that works a little smoother for me is to upload the video to a destination like Google Drive. 然后你可以将视频链接通过电子邮件发送给客户, and have them open the email on their phone or mobile device and download it. 然后他们可以直接把视频上传到Instagram上. That option has worked extremely well and has been easier for the companies we work with.

I hope these tips help you as you begin or increase the video production process for Instagram.

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